Intimidatetime is a wicked awesome date time picker for both jQuery and Zepto. It features high customization with low configuration. Features include date ranges, unix timestamps, timezones, date utility methods, and more.
The name itself is a play on words "intimidate" and "datetime". Merged together we get IntimiDateTime, since the only real way to wrestle with time is to intimidate time!
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eBook: Handling Time
Learn about basic setup, i18n, timezones, and storing dates and times in a database. eBook examples use jQueryUI Timepicker Addon, however the principles learned are the same.
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Version 0.1.0
Last updated on 2013-10-26
Intimidatetime is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects under the MIT license.
Options are subject to change. Also visit the I18n for additional options:
{ // Date object, array of Date objects, or strict formatted string to set as the value value: null, // picker time format previewFormat: null, // format shown in the alt field if used, defaults to format option altFormat: null, // jQuery element or selector for an alternate input alt: null, // min allowed date - date object or relative string '-1M' min: null, // max allowed date - date object or relative string '-1M' max: null, // number of ranges or pick list of dates, will generate a calendar side by side for each date ranges: 0, // string to delimit ranges. this string MUST NOT occur in the time format rangeDelimiter: ' - ', // relative date string for the minimum allowed difference between two dates rangeIntervalMin: '+0l', // relative date string for the maximum allowed difference between two dates rangeIntervalMax: null, // number of months to show at once months: 1, // 0-6, which day is the start of the week startOfWeek: 0, // whether the picker should be inline inline: false, // use theme to prefix all class names, change your css accordingly theme: 'intimidatetime', // how the picker is aligned: vertical, horizontal (maps to css styling, no logic). Or should this be "classes"? mode: 'basic', // define any and all units units: { year: { map: 'FullYear', type: 'select', range: 20, step: 1, format: 'yyyy', value: null}, month: { map: 'Month', type: 'select', min: 0, max: 11, step: 1, format: 'MMM', value: null }, day: { map: 'Date', type: 'select', min: 1, max: 31, step: 1, value: null }, hour: { map: 'Hours', type: 'select', min: 0, max: 23, step: 1, value: null }, minute: { map: 'Minutes', type: 'select', min: 0, max: 59, step: 1, value: null }, second: { map: 'Seconds', type: 'select', min: 0, max: 59, step: 1, value: null }, milli: { map: 'Milliseconds', type: 'select', min: 0, max: 999, step: 10, value: null }, micro: { map: 'Microseconds', type: 'select', min: 0, max: 999, step: 10, value: null }, timezone: { map: 'Timezone', type: 'select', value: null, options: [720,660,600,570,540,480,420,360,300,270,240,210,180,120,60, // just like Date.getTimezoneOffset() 0,-60,-120,-180,-210,-240,-270,-300,-330,-345,-360,-390,-420,-480,-525,-540,-570,-600,-630,-660,-690,-720,-765,-780,-840], names: {} // Key value pairs mapping timezone values to text values { "-240": "EDT", "-300": "CDT".. } } }, // the order which each module appears groups: [ { name: 'date', units: ['year', 'month', 'day'] }, { name: 'time', units: ['hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond', 'timezone'] } ], // buttons can be added at the bottom of the picker buttons: [ //{ text: 'Done', classes: '', tag: 'button', action: function(inst){} } ], events: { // event fired on value change request, use event.preventDefault() or return false to prevent value change change: function(e, date, inst){}, // event fired when the picker is (re)built refresh: function(e, inst){}, // event fired to validate a day, use event.preventDefault() or return false to disable the day enableDay: function(e, date, inst){}, // event fired when the picker is opened, use event.preventDefault() or return false to prevent opening open: function(e, inst){}, // event fired when the picker is closed, use event.preventDefault() or return false to prevent closing close: function(e, inst){} } }
Instance Methods
Instance methods are available through the intimidatetime jQuery plugin. Calling these methods resemble:
var myPicker = $('.selector').intimidatetime(); mypicker.intimidatetime('open'); // open the picker
The following instance methods are currently available:
- .intimidatetime('enable')
Enables the intimidatetime picker.
- return
- jQuery element
- .intimidatetime('disable')
Disables the intimidatetime picker.
- return
- jQuery element
- .intimidatetime('destroy')
Disables and removes the intimidatetime picker.
- return
- jQuery element
- .intimidatetime('open')
Opens the picker manually.
- return
- jQuery element
- .intimidatetime('close')
Closes the picker manually.
- return
- jQuery element
- .intimidatetime('option', 'key', 'value')
Gets or sets an option.
- key
- String of the option value to get or set
- value
- (optional) Value to set the option to.
- return
- When setting the jQuery element. When getting returns the option's value.
- .intimidatetime('value', val)
Gets or sets the picker's value.
- value
- (optional) A Date object, or when using ranges and array of Date objects
- return
- When setting the jQuery element. When getting returns the value (single Date or array of Dates when using ranges).
- .intimidatetime('refresh')
Rebuilds the picker.
- return
- jQuery element
Utility Methods
Utility/Static Methods are available through the $.intimidatetime object, so calling them resembles:
var num = $.intimidatetime.daysInMonth(5, 2001);
The following utility methods are available:
- setDefaults(options)
Sets the defaults for intimidatetime instances
- options
- object of intimidatetime options
- return
- $.intimidatetime object
- dateClone(date)
Creates a clone of a date, with Intimidatetime's microsecond and timezone support.
- date
- Javascript Date object to clone
- return
- A new javascript Date object with the same value as requested
- dateParse(date, format, options)
Parse a date string with the specified format
- date
- A date string
- format
- A format string (see formatting options)
- options
- Object of option values (see options and i18n)
- return
- A javascript Date object
- dateRangeParse(dates, format, delimiter, options)
Parse a date string of date ranges with the specified format, dates split by delimiter
- dates
- A string dates
- format
- A format string for a single date(see formatting options)
- delimiter
- A string that delimits each date.
- options
- Object of option values (see options and i18n)
- return
- Array of javascript Date objects
- dateRelative(date, relative)
Compute and return a new date relative to the given one.
- date
- A javascript Date to base the calculation from
- relative
- A string with a date calclulation (ex: "+2y", "-1M+5d"). Use a +/- followed by the number of units followed by the unit (y=year, M=month, d=day, h=hour, m=minute, s=second, l=millisecond, c=microsecond).
- return
- A javascript Date object of the new date value.
- dateFormat(date, format, options)
Format a Date object to the given format
- date
- A javascript Date object
- format
- A format string (see formatting options)
- options
- Object of option values (see options and i18n)
- return
- A string of the formattd date
- dateRangeFormat: function(dates, format, delimiter, options)
Format an array of dates into a date range string with the specified format, dates split by delimiter
- dates
- A array of Javascript Date objects
- format
- A format string for a single date(see formatting options)
- delimiter
- A string that delimits each date.
- options
- Object of option values (see options and i18n)
- return
- A string of formatted dates
- timezoneOffsetNumber(tzString, lookup)
Compute the number of minutes offset for a timezone string (ex: "-0400" gives 240)
- tzString
- A timezone string (ex: "-0400" or "Z" for iso1806
- lookup
- Object of timezone translation key value pairs. When the tzString isn't directly computable it will try to lookup the string. For example if you pass "EST" it may not be directly computable, if the lookup contains { "260": "EST" } it can return a value. See timezone names in Options.
- return
- Number of minutes needed to return to GMT
- daysInMonth(m, y)
Compute the number of days in a month
- m
- A number indicating the month. 0=January, 11=December, just like a javascript Date.
- y
- A number indicating the year.
- return
- Number of days in the month
- detectSupport(timeFormat)
Scan a timeFormat string and determine what features should be supported.
- timeFormat
- A string containing format tokens
- return
- An object of boolean values of each supported feature.
- log([])
Log to the console, when available any number of arguments
- args
- Any number of arguments of any type
- return
- Void
Events may be passed through the options (see Options for avaible events) or you can bind to them manually:
var myPicker = $('.selector').intimidatetime(); myPicker.on('intimidatetime:change', function(e, date, inst){ console.log('Time Changed!'); });
Notice the "intimidatetime:" indicates the namespace for the events, then the event name.
Formatting your date/time uses special tokens inside a string. The following are the tokens allowed and their meaning.
- u
- Unix timestamp (seconds)
- yy
- Two digit year
- yyyy
- Four digit year
- M
- Month with no leading 0
- MM
- Month with leading 0
- Month name abbreviation as defined in i18n
- Month name as defined in i18n
- d
- Day with no leading 0
- dd
- Day with leading 0
- ddd
- Day name abbreviation as defined in i18n
- dddd
- Day name as defined in i18n
- HH
- Hour with leading 0 (24 hour)
- h
- Hour with no leading 0 (12 hour)
- hh
- Hour with leading 0 (12 hour)
- m
- Minute with no leading 0
- mm
- Minute with leading 0
- s
- Second with no leading 0
- ss
- Second with leading 0
- l
- Milliseconds always with leading 0
- c
- Microseconds always with leading 0
- t
- a or p for AM/PM
- T
- A or P for AM/PM
- tt
- am or pm for AM/PM
- TT
- AM or PM for AM/PM
- z
- Timezone as defined by timezoneList
- zz
- Timezone as defined by timezoneList, but in Iso 8601 format (+04:45)
- zzz
- Timezone as defined by i18n timezone names. (You must define these)
- '...'
- Literal text (Uses single quotes)
Internationalization (i18n)
Intimidate time comes with full support for i18n. You can create your own or use the pre-built ones in the i18n directory by simply including it in your page.
$.intimidatetime.i18n['en'] = { format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', // default format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss:l tt z' units: { year: { format: 'yyyy', // how should hour be forrmated in drowdown label: 'Year' // year label }, month: { format: 'MMM', // how should hour be forrmated in drowdown label: 'Month', // month label names: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], namesAbbr: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, day: { format: 'd', // how should hour be forrmated in drowdown label: 'Day', // day label names: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], namesAbbr: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], namesHead: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'] }, hour: { format: 'HH', // how should hour be forrmated in drowdown label: 'Hour', // hour label am: ['AM', 'A'], // possible am names pm: ['PM', 'P'] // possible pm names }, minute: { format: 'mm', // how should minute be formatted in dropdown label: 'Minute' // minute label }, second: { format: 'ss', // how should second be formatted in dropdown label: 'Second' // second label }, millisecond: { format: 'l', // how should millisecond be formatted in dropdown label: 'Millisecond' // millisecond label }, microsecond: { format: 'c', // how should millisecond be formatted in dropdown label: 'Microsecond' // microsecond label }, timezone: { format: 'z', // how should timezone be formatted in dropdown label: 'Timezone' // minute label } }, rtl: false }; $.intimidatetime.setDefaults($.intimidatetime.i18n['en']);
A timepicker in the simplest fashion.
Add a few options, change the format. Intimidate time detects which time units are needed by the format.
$('#ex_basic_2').intimidatetime({ format: 'MMM d, yyyy' });
Use the preview format, this is useful when you need to generate a Unix timestamp.
$('#ex_basic_3').intimidatetime({ format: 'u', previewFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' });
You can add on extra functionality by using buttons. Pass an array of as many as you like.
$('#ex_basic_4').intimidatetime({ buttons: [ { text: 'Done', action: function(inst){ inst.close(); } }, { text: 'Now', action: function(inst){ inst.value( new Date() ); } } ] });
You can enable timezones with the "z" format token.
$('#ex_timezone_1').intimidatetime({ format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm z' });
Suppose you want the user to have more readable timezone descriptions, but behind the scenes Intimidate time needs the numeric timezone. We can pass a few timezone options.
The option values must be minute offsets from utc. Just like Date.getTimezoneOffset() the offset for -0400 is 240. Intimidatetime tries to follow the path laid by javascript. Then You can assign names to each value.
$('#ex_timezone_2').intimidatetime({ format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm zzz', units: { timezone: { format: 'zzz', options: [240,300,360,420], names: { "240": "EDT", "300": "CDT", "360": "MDT", "420": "PDT" } } } });
Ranges are very simple, just use the range option.
$('#ex_ranges_1').intimidatetime({ ranges: 1 });
Sometimes maybe you don't want a range necessarily, but a list of dates. Use the rangeDelimiter and range options together. Here we request 3 dates.
$('#ex_ranges_2').intimidatetime({ format: 'yyyy-MM-dd', ranges: 2, rangeDelimiter: ', ' });