The jQueryUI Slider wigit can be difficult to use on touch devices. It makes it much easier if there is a button to press which adjusts the slider. jQueryUI SliderAccess easily adds this functionality.
If you are interested in contributing to SliderAccess please check it out on GitHub. If you do make additions please keep in mind I enjoy tabs over spaces,.. But contributions are welcome in any form.
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You also need to include jQuery and jQuery UI with datepicker and slider wigits. You should include them in your page in the following order:
Version 0.2
Last updated on 09/22/2012
jQuery UI Slider Access is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects under both MIT and GPL licenses. This means that you can choose the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly.
SliderAccess has several options to customize it's appearance and functionality:
Add sliderAccess to a basic slider.
$('#basic_example_1').slider().sliderAccess({ touchonly : false });
Change the position of sliderAccess.
$('#basic_example_2').slider({ min: 0, max: 100, value: 50, step: 10 // sliderAccess will inherit this }).sliderAccess({ touchonly : false, where: 'before' });
Use text for the buttons
$('#basic_example_3').slider().sliderAccess({ touchonly : false, text: true, upText: 'More', downText: 'Less' });